5 research outputs found

    Selection of Optimum Cutting Speed In End Milling Process Using Fuzzy Logic

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    The machining process shows ambiguous behavior and often cannot be linearly extrapolated in a wide range. It cannot be modeled effectively using theories and equations. The classical method for selection of machining parameters, such as cutting speed  is based on data from machining hand books for machining parameters or on the experience of the operator or CNC programmer. The parameters chosen in most situations are highly conservative to protect over- matching errors from tool failures, such as deflection, breakage, etc.  In this paper,  a model to find the optimum cutting speed for end milling operation was built using Fuzzy Logic, this model is user-friendly and compatible with the automation concept of a flexible and computer integrated manufacturing systems. It allows the operator, even unskilled, to find the optimal cutting speed for an efficient machining process that can lead to an improvement of product quality, increase production rates and thus reducing product cost and total manufacturing costs. The developed fuzzy logic model showed a good prediction to select the optimum cutting speed , with a mean absolute error of around 4.5% from the optimum machining parameters in the Machining Data Handbook. Keywords: Fuzzy Logic, End Milling Process, CNC, FL, Optimum Cutting Speed Selection

    Build and Interface Internet Mobile Robot using Raspberry Pi and Arduino

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    In the recent years, the increasing use of wireless applications and the demand for a system that could easily connect devices for transfer of data over a long distance without cables became worldwide. This paper presents the Build and interface of a real time wheeled mobile robot installed above it an arm and a camera. Software system can be built in three various programming languages and   controlled via the internet using webpage protected with a username and password to make sure it cannot be hacked. The webpage is designed to control the mobile robot remotely through the internet by any web browser such as Mozilla Firefox. Camera is mounted on the animated base in two axes in order to have better visibility.The designed mobile robot can be remotely operated from everywhere around the world without being near the robot. It can be controlled by using any device, whether a laptop, a mobile or a tablet. It can move forward, reverse, turn right and left for a specific distance according to the controller specification. The mobile robot system is used to transfer foreign objects and access to areas that are unable to be accessed by humans. It is also used for purposes of monitoring to fit a camera. The development of this robot is based on Arduino Mega platform which will be interfaced with the microcomputer that is placed on the robot running as a server. After completing the design and testing the robot, time delay is calculated in different cases (LAN and WAN) network. Finally, this prototype of the robot is expected to solve many problems such as placing or picking objects that are far away from the user, picking and placing hazardous objects in the fastest and easiest way. Keywords: Internet Mobile Robot;Raspberry Pi ; Arduino

    Tool Path Optimization of Drilling Sequence in CNC Machine Using Genetic Algorithm

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    Drilling is a one of the most common machining process. There are a lot of applications where drilling is used, like drilling of holes in the printed circuit boards. . CNC machines are used today to perform the drilling process. These machines are capital intensive, and their maximum utilization is due to their economic viability. An issue that affects the utilization of these machines is the drilling sequence, because usually there is a number of points that has to be visited. Determination of drilling sequence is similar to the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and exhibits characteristics of an NP-hard problem. In this paper, a program to find the optimum shortest path was built, using Genetic Algorithm and Traveling Salesman Problem to shorten machining time for the drilling of a given group of holes and hence to reduce machining cost and improve CNC machining efficiency without degrading motion accuracy. The results showed the effectiveness of the genetic algorithm, and the machining time is reduced to around 50% in some cases and hence machining power and cost are reduced Keywords: GA, Tool Path Optimization, CNC, Drillin

    Environmental mobile robot based on artificial intelligence and visual perception for weed elimination

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    This research presents a new editing design for the pioneer p3-dx mobile robot by adding a mechanical gripper for eliminating the weed and a digital camera for capturing the image of the field. Also, a wireless kit that makes control on the motor's gripper is envisaged. This work consists of two parts. The theoretical part contains a program to read the image and discover the weed coordinates which will be sent to the path planning software to discover the locations of weed, green plant and sick plant. These positions are sent then to the mobile robot navigation software. Then the wireless signal is sent to the gripper. The experimental part is represented as a digital camera that takes an image of the agricultural field, and then sends it to the computer for processing. After that the weeds coordinates are sent to the mobile robots by mobile robot navigation software. Next, the wireless signal is sent to the wireless kit controlling the motor gripper by the computer interface program; the first trial on the agricultural field shows that the mobile robot can discriminate the green plant, from weed and sick plant and can take the right decision with respect to treatment or elimination. The experimental work shows that the environmental mobile robot can detect successfully the weed, sick plant and the hale plant. The mobile robot also travels from base to the target point represented by the weed and sick plants in the optimum path. The experimental work also shows that the environmental mobile robot can eliminate the weed and cure the sick plants in a correctly way

    Monitoring and Wireless Controlling of Power Generation by LabView

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    In this paper we will try to improve and enhance the nation's energy infrastructure, by achieve controlling and monitoring of power generations remotely all over the world to evaluate performance of plants and investigate the voltage ,amperage, temperature and etc for each plant and also to decrease the workers number, cost saving in management and maintenance, predict failure before accrue and etc since the wireless networks  made an advantages of  low cost nature over traditional communication technologies used in today’s electric power systems. This paper include design and implementation of internet based remote monitoring and controlling of power generation where the platform based on the design of an interface circuit with Arduino board, implemented by LabView software ALCS (Arduino-LabView Control System).The complete system can be controlled remotely where the remote control implemented by using a VSAT (Very Small Aperture Terminal) system. In this paper will focus on monitoring of coolant temperature and calculate the Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) of temperature between the Programming Logic Controller (PLC) reading that already install on power generation unit and the ALCS reading. Keywords: Remote Monitoring and Contro